A letter of intent was signed between the RA MoESCS and the UN World Food Program Armenian office on June 12, 2020 on the implementation of the “Sustainable School Feeding” strategic program for the coming five years. By the agreement signed
A letter of intent was signed between the RA MoESCS and the UN World Food Program Armenian office on June 12, 2020 on the implementation of the “Sustainable School Feeding” strategic program for the coming five years. By the agreement signed
The package of strengthening, renovation, restoration, compilation of scientific-planning documents and expertise of a number of cultural structures, proposed by the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, was approved at today's session of the Executive within the
This year, the applicants will be admitted to higher education institutions by taking one entrance exam. The applications will be submitted online from May 25 to June 15, and the entrance exams will be held in the first ten days
Dear employees of the museums, The international community has been celebrating International Museum Day on May 18 since 1978, at the suggestion of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Our country, which has a rich museum heritage, has been an active
According to the decision adopted at today's Government meeting, the stipends of postgraduate students are increased by 35 thousand drams. Accordingly, the amount of stipends given to postgraduate students from
The National Center for Educational Technologies of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports is conducting the second accelerated course on "Skills for Organization of Distance Learning", which will be attended by 400 specialists who have already sent
Chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, a consultation was held in the Office of Government to discuss the process of organizing graduation and entrance exams in the current situation. The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports presented a package
Video lessons on Armenian studies: “Armenian language”, “Armenian Literature” and “History of Armenia” https://bit.ly/34m1Wtm were posted on YouTube channel of the MoESCS (https://www.youtube.com/user/armeduchannel) to ensure the continuity of learning process of diaspora Armenians in the state of emergency
RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Arayik Hautyunyan held a remote working discussion with the representatives of IT companies. The Minister emphasized that the objective of the meeting is to enhance the effectiveness of distance learning, and in