Regarding the situation conditioned by the spread of the pandemic and the instruction of the RA Ministry of Health, the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports decided to extend the autumn school vacations for another two weeks until November 12 inclusive.
Օnly the 12th graders will continue the distance learning from October 30 and they will finish the academic year on June 4 as scheduled beforehand. The end of the academic year for 1-11th graders will be set on June 18. The first semester is proposed to conclude on January 31.
After November 12, pending on the epidemic situation, the possibility of conducting the educational process is being discussed in two formats․ In case of an unfavorable epidemic situation, on-site education will be implemented for elementary school, regardless of the location of the school and observing the sanitary-hygienic norms and rules defined by the RA Minister of Health Order №24-N of September 18. Distance learning will be implemented in middle and high schools. In the settlements where public transport is not available and pupils do not use it, the on-site education will also be conducted in middle and high schools in compliance with the specified sanitary-hygienic standards and rules.
In the event of favourable epidemic condition, the on-site learning will be fully implemented for all grades, observing the sanitary-hygienic norms and regulations defined by the RA Minister of Health Order №. 24-N of September 18.
The pre-school institutions, art, music and sports schools won’t operate until November 12. Vocational schools, colleges and universities will continue to operate in distance or an online learning basis.