Today, January 22, marks the 100th anniversary of the renowned Armenian composer, pianist, People's Artist of the USSR, laureate of state awards Arno Babajanyan.
On the occasion of the anniversary, RA ESCS Minister Vahram Dumanyan, Deputy Minister Ara Khzmalyan, President of the Union of Composers of Armenia Aram Satyan, together with intellectuals, artists and music lovers visited Yerevan City Pantheon to pay tribute to the composer.
Afterwards, the Minister, together with the staff of the department, art historians, and fans of Babajanyan's art laid flowers at the monument to Arno Babajanyan under the impressive works of the composer.
“Today we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of our renowned composer Arno Babajanyan. It is difficult to say something new about Arno Babajanyan, because time has long given his assessment, the people themselves have valued his merits. Babajanyan has been and is a biography for our generation. Our youth, memories and feelings are more or less related to and combined with his art. The composer's works have become symbols of optimism, love, and urban life. It is difficult, for example, to imagine Yerevan without Babajanyan's works "The Song of First Love" and "Yerevan”,” noted the Minister and added that in our tough days, Babajanyan's art should be heard everywhere and with greater strength to restore our optimism, our will to live and create. Vahram Dumanyan also informed that a Government commission is being formed to coordinate the anniversary events of Arno Babajanyan, whose goal is to honor the composer's anniversary and give a new breath to the dissemination of his art in Armenia and abroad.
Chairman of the Union of Composers of Armenia Aram Satyan, composer Martin Vardazaryan and others delivered speeches in honor of Arno Babajanyan. During the celebration, the composer's son Ara Babajanyan greeted the participants in a video message and noted the importance of holding events dedicated to the anniversary of the celebrated artist at the state level.
On the occasion of the anniversary, on the territory adjacent to the monument to Arno Babajanyan, the composer's "Vocalise" was performed by the soloist of the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Spendiaryan Artsvik Demurchyan (accompanist Armen Aghajanyan), "Nocturne" performed by the laureate of international competitions of the target talent development program "Start", pianist Armen Puchinyan, "Melody" - laureate of international competitions of the target talent development program "Start", pianist Artur Grigoryan, processing of the song "Grateful to you", which was performed by the Honored Artist of the Republic of Armenia, pianist Armen Babakhanyan.
Note that the concert dedicated to the anniversary of Arno Babajanyan will be held in the “Aram Khachaturian” Concert Hall at 19:00. The evening will feature the performances by violinist Anush Nikoghosyan, cellist Sevak Avanesyan, RA Honored Artist, pianist Hayk Melikyan. The program includes Arno Babajanyan - "Six Pictures" for piano, Sonata for Violin and Piano, Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano.