The program of introduction of the school subscription system will be implemented in 2021. According to the RA ESCS Minister Order №24-A/2 of January 14, 2021, in 2021 every secondary schoolchild is given a free access to three cultural institutions – a museum, a theater and a concert hall (list attached). The program is intended for schoolchildren and teachers of 1-12 grades of public schools.

Via the subscription system, more than 386,000 schoolchildren of secondary schools of the Republic of Armenia can participate in a cultural event of their community or any other city of the Republic of Armenia. The program ensures the opportunity of exercising the schoolchildren’s right to cultural education.

The objective of the program is to increase the involvement of students in cultural events, to develop the tradition of visiting a cultural institution, artistic taste and a broader worldview.

The end of the program is scheduled for December 31, 2021