The training course on “Integrated Citizen” will be implemented in 5 higher education institutions of Armenia. The International Foundation for Electoral systems and Yerevan State Brusov University of Languages and Social Sciences; Armenian State University of Economics; Shirak and Vanadzor State Universities have signed a memorandum of understanding for participation in the program.
The RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports; and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems developed the education program with the support of the United Nations Development Program within the component of “Political Accessibility and Inclusion”. A similar project has already been successfully implemented in more than 55 HEIs in Georgia and Ukraine
The Advisor to the Minister of ESCS Samvel Karabekyan, USAID Armenia Mission Director Deborah Grieser and IFES Armenian Office Director Jerome Leyraud welcomed the launch of the project.
The Adviser to the Minister Samvel Karabekyan noted that the MoESCS has been cooperating with the project for months, highlighting the importance of the development and implementation of a new civic education training course in Armenian universities. “Based on the values of civil rights and democracy, the introduction of new approaches to teaching and student-centered education in the education system is also important. The training is part of a major electoral process improvement program, one of the keys to its success being the provision of academically-based methodology.”- stated S. Karabekyan.
According to him, the course materials are currently being developed, and the program also provides a component of teacher training and a special manual for students. The advisor to the Minister hoped the training course to be implemented in other HEIs after successful piloting.
The training course aims to promote active citizenship through the use of interactive teaching methods by strengthening knowledge on democratic governance and human rights.