Today, the official foundation stone-laying ceremony marked the construction of a new Smart Centre of the “Children of Armenia” Fund (COAF) and the opening of the first building of the COAF Smart Center - the Youredjian Child and Family Center, in Myasnikyan settlement of Armavir region.

RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, ESCS Minister Zhanna Andreasyan, Government officials, NA deputies, local self-government representatives, residents of the beneficiary communities of the region, COAF Founder Dr. Garo Armen, trustee of the Fund, main donor of the CF Centre Jack Youredjian and Executive Director Liana Ghaltaghchyan attended the event.

The program's objective is to enhance the quality of living for Armenia's rural residents, with a focus on the needs of children and youth in particular. With the construction of the Smart Centre in Armavir and the establishment of a new Child and Family Centre, equal educational opportunities will be created for residents of the region. The Smart Centre will offer children and youth opportunities for free informal education using modern technologies and innovative teaching methodology. The Youredjian Center for Child and Family will provide comprehensive development, psychological, speech therapy and social work services to children of different age groups.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan expressed gratitude to the COAF Foundation and the Youredjian family for their initiative, emphasizing the significance of education and knowledge in strengthening Armenia's ties with the Diaspora, which is also the focus of the recently established Smart Centre.

On a land plot with a total area of 90 hectares, it is planned to build functional structures in a unique architectural style, characteristic of COAF structures, and conforming to international standards, which will serve more than 31 communities in the region.

It should be mentioned that in collaboration with the ESCS Ministry and the “Children of Armenia” Charitable Foundation (COAF), successful non-formal education initiatives are being carried out in several regions of Armenia. In April of this year, supported by the ESCS Ministry and COAF benefactors, the construction of the public school in Debet settlement of Pambak enlarged community in Lori Region of the Republic of Armenia launched.