With the support of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Gabriel Sundukyan National Academic Theatre has been implementing the “Classics +Classroom” theatrical-educational program since 2019. The program is developed for high school students and strengthens the relationship between the school and the theatre.

The program participants wrote essays on Armenian theatre art on the topics “My Favorite Actor/Actress”, “My Favorite Performance”, “My Favorite Theatre”, “My Favorite Literary Hero”. Summing up the competition, 60 winners were selected. The students who passed the qualifying stage participated in lectures and seminars on November 12-16 at the “Small Stage” of Gabriel Sundukyan National Academic Theatre. Lecture seminars on "History of the Theater", "Art of Acting", "Directing Art", "Theatre Management" and "Other Types of Art" were conducted by the leading specialists in the field.

In 2020, the program will become nationwide, covering the regions of Armenia.